Glue on Shoes for Horses: A Journey of Healing and Endurance

    Glue on Shoes for Horses: A Journey of Healing and Endurance

    Glue on Shoes for Horses: A Journey of Healing and Endurance


    For over 15 years, Ive been intimately involved in the world of farriery, immersing myself in the intricacies of horseshoes and their transformative power on our equine companions. Among the myriad of hoof care solutions, glue-on shoes stand out as a beacon of innovation, offering unparalleled protection and support for horses facing various hoof ailments.

    Understanding the Importance of Hoof Health:

    A horses hoof is an intricate masterpiece, a symphony of bones, cartilage, and soft tissues. Its health and functionality are paramount to the overall well-being of the animal, affecting its mobility, comfort, and longevity. Without proper hoof care, horses can suffer from a debilitating range of conditions, including laminitis, navicular syndrome, and thrush.

    Consequences of Hoof Neglect:

    Neglecting hoof health is like playing Russian roulette with your horses well-being. A weakened or compromised hoof can lead to pain, lameness, and even life-threatening complications. The cost of treating hoof issues can be substantial, both financially and emotionally.

    The Benefits of Glue-On Shoes:

    Glue-on shoes have emerged as a game-changer in the realm of hoof care, providing a myriad of benefits that traditional nailing methods simply cannot match.

    Protection and Support:

    Unlike nailed-on shoes, glue-on shoes offer a uniform distribution of weight and pressure across the hoof, significantly reducing the risk of undue stress and strain on sensitive areas. They provide unparalleled support and protection, especially for horses with weakened or damaged hooves.

    Reduced Pain and Discomfort:

    The adhesive bond between the glue-on shoe and the hoof eliminates the need for nailing, which can cause discomfort and pain to the horse. This gentle approach is particularly beneficial for horses with sensitive feet or existing hoof injuries.

    Enhanced Mobility:

    By alleviating pain and discomfort, glue-on shoes restore mobility to horses that have been struggling with hoof-related issues. They enable them to move freely and comfortably, regaining their zest for life.

    Prevention of Further Damage:

    Glue-on shoes effectively prevent further damage to the hoof by providing a protective barrier against wear and tear. They help maintain proper hoof alignment and prevent the progression of existing conditions.

    Types of Glue-On Shoes:

    The world of glue-on shoes encompasses a vast array of designs and materials, each tailored to specific hoof conditions and needs.

    Polyurethane Shoes:

    Versatile and durable, polyurethane shoes are a popular choice for horses with a variety of hoof ailments. They offer excellent shock absorption and support, promoting comfort and mobility.

    Aluminum Shoes:

    Lightweight and strong, aluminum shoes are ideal for horses engaged in high-performance activities. They provide secure footing and minimize fatigue, allowing horses to excel in their athletic endeavors.

    Composite Shoes:

    Combining the benefits of both polyurethane and aluminum, composite shoes offer a blend of durability, comfort, and performance. They are suitable for a wide range of horses, from leisure riders to competitive athletes.

    Choosing the Right Glue-On Shoe:

    Selecting the optimal glue-on shoe for your horse requires careful consideration of several factors, including:

    Type of Hoof Condition:

    The underlying hoof condition will dictate the type of shoe that is most appropriate. Consult with a qualified farrier to determine the best option for your horses specific needs.

    Horses Activities:

    The intended activities of the horse should also be taken into account when choosing a glue-on shoe. Horses engaged in high-impact activities may require a more durable shoe than those used for leisurely riding.

    Horses Conformation:

    The horses conformation, including its hoof shape and gait, will influence the fit and effectiveness of the glue-on shoe. A proper fit is crucial for optimal support and comfort.

    Grooming Standards

    Glue-on shoes have unique grooming requirements that horse owners should be aware of:

    Diligently Clean the Hoof:

    Meticulously clean your horses hoof before applying the glue-on shoe to remove any dirt, debris, or old glue residue. This ensures a strong and secure bond.

    Trim and Shape Appropriately:

    Carefully trim the hoof to create a clean and smooth surface for the glue-on shoe. Shaping the hoof to match the shoes curvature is vital for proper fit and support.

    Apply Glue Evenly:

    Apply the adhesive evenly and generously to both the hoof and the glue-on shoes surface. Allow the glue to dry for the recommended duration before securing the shoe.

    Interesting Stories

    Stories of horses regaining their zest for life after being fitted with glue-on shoes are heartwarming and inspiring.

    A New Lease on Life:

    Isabella, a beloved show jumper, had been plagued by chronic laminitis for years. Nailed-on shoes had only provided temporary relief, and her mobility was severely compromised. After switching to glue-on shoes, Isabella experienced a remarkable transformation. The pain subsided, she regained her confidence, and she returned to the show ring with renewed vigor.

    Unexpected Triumph:

    Nemo, a spirited endurance horse, had suffered a severe hoof injury that threatened his competitive career. Glue-on shoes became his lifeline, allowing him to continue training and competing at the highest level. His determination and resilience, coupled with the support of glue-on shoes, enabled him to defy expectations and achieve remarkable success.

    A Touch of Humor:

    It all began with a playful prank. A mischievous stablehand glued a pair of miniature cowboy boots to the hooves of the grumpy old stallion, Ferdinand. To everyones surprise, Ferdinand seemed to enjoy the quirky footwear, prancing around the paddock with an uncharacteristic twinkle in his eye. The incident became a legend, reminding everyone that even in the serious world of hoof care, theres always room for a bit of laughter.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long do glue-on shoes typically last?

    Glue-on shoes generally last for four to eight weeks, depending on the individual horses activity level and hoof condition.

    Can glue-on shoes be used for horses with sensitive feet?

    Yes, glue-on shoes are an excellent option for horses with sensitive feet as they eliminate the need for nailing, which can be painful.

    What is the cost of glue-on shoes?

    The cost of glue-on shoes can vary depending on the type of shoe, the materials used, and the pricing of the farrier. Typically, they cost more than traditional nailed-on shoes but offer significant benefits in terms of comfort and support.


    Glue-on shoes have revolutionized the world of hoof care, providing horses with a path to healing, comfort, and renewed mobility. Their myriad of benefits, including pain reduction, enhanced support, and prevention of further damage, make them an invaluable tool for maintaining equine well-being. As horse owners and enthusiasts, we have a profound responsibility to care for our animals hooves. By embracing the transformative power of glue-on shoes, we can empower our equine companions to live long, healthy, and fulfilling lives. Let us pledge to give our horses the gift of sound hooves, setting them free to gallop across fields of opportunity and soar to heights of triumph. Together, we can unlock their limitless potential and create a future where every horse has the chance to shine. glue on shoes for horses